Notable Birthdays in August
August is a time of many things: the state fair, the end of summer, and the beginning of the school year. August is also a great time to remember important people! Libraries are exceptional resources for learning more about people and the lives they lived, as well as history in general. Reading about people helps expand our understanding and empathy. It is also interesting to see how people got to be who they were!
Instead of choosing from the vast number of important people, we narrowed it down by only choosing a few of those who have birthdays this month: Neil Armstrong (8/5/1930), Katherine Johnson (8/26/1918), Michael Jackson (8/29/1958), Lucielle Ball (8/6/1911), Kobe Bryant (8/23/1978), and Louis Armstrong (8/4/1901).
- Neil Armstrong : A Life of Flight
- By Jay Barbree, foreword by John Glenn
- My Remarkable Journey: A Memoir
- By Katherine Johnson with Joylette Hylick and Katherine Moore and with Lisa Frazier Page
- Hidden Figures: the American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Mathematicians Who Helped Win the Space Race
- By Margot Lee Shetterly (Book, Audio-Book CD, and DVD)
- The Rise: Kobe Bryant and the Pursuit of Immorality
- By Mike Sielski
- The Mamba Mentality: How I Play
- By Kobe Bryant
- Satchmo: My Life in New Orleans
- By Louis Armstrong
- Louis Armstrong: An Extravagant Life
- By Laurence Bergreen
- Louis Armstrong: Ken Burns Jazz (Music CD)
Books for Kids: