Our home delivery service is the free delivery of materials to your home, available to any resident of the Chatham Area Public Library District who cannot visit the Library because of age, illness, or disability.
If you or someone you know can benefit from this service, please complete and submit a Home Delivery Enrollment Form, or contact the Library at 217-483-2713 or [email protected].
Delivery can be short or long term depending upon the patron's needs, and any Library materials that can be checked out can be requested for home delivery. Extra checkout time will be given for materials that are checked out to you.
Recipients may request specific titles from our library or a library within our system. You may also have a staff member select materials based on your interests.
Materials will be delivered to your door by a volunteer from the Friends of the Library. A mutually convenient time for items to be delivered and picked up can be decided between you and your volunteer.
To determine if you are a resident of the Chatham Area Public Library District, you may call the Library. You may also check your voter registration card.
If you are a resident of a different library district, you may contact your home library and see what services are available for home deliveries.